Tube type balancing valve

Tube type balancing valve

Tube type balancing valve

This type of valve is used to control the one-way/two-way movement of actuators and oil blocks to achieve the following functions:
1. Prevent various impact pressures from actuators;
2. Limit the high pressure that may be generated by the load, and the impact caused by overload or sudden shaking.

SpecificationHYPYZ-3/4S, HYPYZ-3/4D
Maximum Pressure (MPa)350
Maximum Flow Rate (L/min)40
Installation PositionAny
Working MediumMineral Hydraulic Oil; Phosphate Ester Hydraulic Oil
Storage Temperature (℃)-20~80
Operating Environment Temperature (℃)-10~60
Contamination LevelThe maximum allowable contamination level of the oil shall comply with NAS 1638 Class 9. It is recommended to use a filter with a minimum filtration precision of β10 ≥75.
Tube type balancing valve
Tube type balancing valve
Tube type balancing valve

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