Flanged balancing valve for Danfoss motors (OMS)

Single hydraulic control check valve

Flanged balancing valve for Danfoss motors (OMS)

Use and operation:
These valves are used to control the unidirectional movement (unidirectional pilot) or bidirectional movement (bidirectional pilot) of actuators and oil blocks in order to achieve the following functions:
Control the pressure drop of the load: the pressure of the load will not cause the valve to pop open, because this valve can prevent any air pressure from the actuator.
Limit the maximum pressure that the load may generate, overload or sudden jitter (the load is controlled by the central distributor).
Direct flange is theoretically configured for OMS type Danfoss motors, with the highest safety performance, very low pressure drop, and can be fixedly installed.


1/2”SE OMS

1/2”DE OMS

Pilot ratio


Maximum flow(L/min)


Maximum pressure(Bar)


Flanged balancing valve for Danfoss motors (OMS)
Flanged balancing valve for Danfoss motors (OMS)

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